Alanis & Tori Interactive Technology Exhibit
Best Buy
Minneapolis, MN
San Diego, CA
The FutureTouch Solution
The exhibit tent and kiosks were developed to travel with the joint Alanis Morissette and Tori Amos 5 ½ Weeks Tour. The purpose of the exhibit was to demonstrate the MP3 technology and the products of tour sponsors, which record and play MP3 files. TouchVision integrated multiple hardware products to give concert-goers a complete hands-on experience, with enough listening and browsing stations that would attract and hold their attention. The exhibit tent, hardware, and network development takes into consideration the multiple and diverse venues that will be toured, accounting for outdoor weather, indoor arena measurements, transportation of equipment, repeated set-up and tear-down procedures, tour sponsor specifications, and power resources. Other sponsors of the interactive technology exhibit include Hewlett Packard, Diamond Multimedia, Creative Labs, and Altec Lansing.